Penguins on the bus go 'wobble wobble wobble' and the m&m's on the bus go 'crunch crunch crunch" hahaha back in the day, wow... tripy
Sorry all these cam out kinda blurry, i didnt know the pic size was set so small...
Where mobil meets web, Pictures that is..
Choices choices, their every where aren't they? Who knew as we grew older that our choices would be so life altering. Answer the phone to talk to Sky Smith. Where could that possibly lead you? let me give you two ways that could go (We all know there is more than two but so what, we'll be POSITIVE). The phone rings you look down at the caller ID (which we all have now, what happened to being mysterious?) Its ____ (Insert high school crush here, or use generic Sky Smith,(or) Sarah Jones). Do you answer? you panic, If only your friends where here, they'd know just what to do. (scenario 1) you Answer the phone, he (or she) wants to ask you out to lovers pass. Do you accept (yet another choice, but we wont cover the endless possibilities) You end up accepting to go with him (or her). You put on your best pair of jeans that makes your butt look that special way, and your most flattering top, to accent your features. You spend 2 hours getting ready, you are beginning to agree that you look awesome, who could resist this person? He (or she) honks, doesn't ring the door bell no.. that would take to much energy. You run out to the car and get in. You two begin off on your journey. Your expecting a make out session. Or maybe all his (her) friends will be there and you guys will have this awesomely wicked time, chatting and raising hell. He(she) parks the car at lovers pass, after the awkward ride. He(she) stares out his window for a moment then quickly looks at you. He(begins forcefully having his way with you. You don't do anything because, well you wanted this too, but your not sure if you wanted it now, like this, here... maybe, you may not quite have wanted this... But you cant tell him(her). Then you would look like a little scared girl. Besides, after this he(she) will love you right? and you guys will do everything together and it will be awesome, everyone will know you, and they will love you... Before you know it, you've over thought everything and missed the hole experience. But you feel empty, you know you didn't really want this. But if you makes your relationship flourish what's the harm? he(she) drives you home, lets you out. But wait? that's it? I thought we were going to go out and do some stuff? No? you just got used and left. You call all week but no answer, You can try contacting them online but you'll seem so desperate, you end up doing it anyway. still no answer. Even though you may have had an incredible time with them, (be it that night or previous nights) its over, you got burned. Was it a good choice to answer the phone? Here is scenario 2: The phone rings, its _____ (if you don't have a name by now, your not trying!!) do you answer? you hesitate, you wish you knew just what you should do. Suddenly you decide wait, no i think I'll pass, let me seem mysterious and hard to catch. ____ is crushed but your un answered phone. He(she) begins trying to get a date with you all week. By the end of the week, you've blown him(her) off too dang many times to count. Slowly lowering his ego until he completely disappears. Leaving you free, rid of a bad. And available for the next person.